

If the Katrina disaster has got you thinking about things like the end of the world, there is a highly informative website at www.exitmundi.nl which lists every conceivable doomsday scenario which could end the world as we know it. Conveniently organized under the headings “Any Day Now,” “Near Future,” “Distant Future,” and “Religious,” this site lists every possible scenario from alien invasion to zombie takeover. Of course the list includes the obvious catastrophes such as the earth being hit by a huge asteroid, but did you know that we might also be wiped out by hungry molecules which devour the entire planet, or that a science experiment in particle physics could create a chain-reaction which accidentally disintegrates every atom which composes the Earth? Also on the menu are slow boring deaths, such as the world population slowly declining to zero because of rapidly falling human fertility due to all the pollution in the atmosphere, and far-too exciting scenarious, like mass insanity, robot rebellions and our pets turning against us. Go fan the flames of your paranoia at www.exitmundi.nl.

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