

And now it’s payback time for all you irritating germophones who try to guilt me into washing my hands after using the washroom. Read this and weep... according to microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona, the riskiest part of going to the washroom is turning on the water to wash your hands after you’re done. Apparently the hot water taps usually have far more fecal matter on them than the toilet seats. Turning on the water also “disturbs the microbes that dwell in a slimy matrix in the drain... those cells get airborne,” says another professor. And if you think there is any escape from tiny pieces of airborne shit, think again. According to this report, when you flush the toilet with the lid up, fecal bacteria are propelled into the air, landing on the tank, the floor, the seat and the toilet paper. Then, when your hands are finally clean, the hot-air dryers kick in to propel more bacteria around the room, and the final obstacle to your escape -- the door handle on the way out -- is also covered with fecal matter. Lovely... (The Globe and Mail)

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